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<p><b>Working under stress and tips for reducing it</b></p>
January 19, 2023#career

Working under stress and tips for reducing it

Stress in the workplace is a very urgent and serious problem, which in most cases leads to very sad consequences. Currently, many employees face pressure at work, which is associated with the modern high labor rate. Increases stress and increases the length of the working day or processing. All these factors contribute to the emergence of an unfavorable work environment.

Of course, a new employee is experiencing double stress, because he is in a new working environment, to which it is necessary to adapt in a fairly short time. 

Absolutely all people are subject to stress, but everyone reacts to it in different ways. Of course, stress has adverse consequences, but sometimes it can also bring benefits.

The reasons why stress can occur at work are very different. For example, dissatisfaction with their activities, excessive overload, pressure from management, conflicts with colleagues, lack of prospects for growth - all this can cause stress at work.

Stress is accompanied by rapid fatigue, fatigue, difficulties in processing information and making mistakes in work. Employees who are stressed may show increased excitability or aggression for no apparent reason. Also, signs of stress may indicate sudden difficulties in relationships with colleagues, frequent mood swings, sleep disorders or headaches.

Stress affects not only performance, but also the state of health, which can lead to somatic diseases. Also, professional stress leads to a loss of satisfaction from their activities.

Types of stress that specialists may be exposed to:

  • Fear may arise due to a lack of competencies. This is normal for beginners in the profession. When time passes and there is a little bit of sweat, the tasks will become clearer and more familiar, then the stress will decrease or disappear altogether.

  • Social stress. When it seems that you have no common interests with colleagues or the team is set against you. As soon as you get to know your colleagues better, get acquainted with the rules and principles of the company, the fear will go away by itself.

  • The stress of not understanding whether you will have time to complete the task by the deadline or not. The employee works at a high pace, and the body prepares additional forces in the form of stress activation. In such conditions, it is necessary to assess your strength, understand what you will have time to do and what you will not, and address this to the head and talk openly. It is better when you really assess your capabilities and know how to allocate resources than to drown in unfulfilled tasks and burn out quickly.

There are several rules for dealing with stress:

  1. The first and basic rule is to detect stress. Until you understand and realize what kind of emotions you are experiencing and why you are experiencing them, it will be difficult for you to get out of the vicious circle. You need to focus on your inner feelings. 

  2. Look at what is happening from the outside. The position in which you analyze the situation will allow you to understand and adequately assess what is happening. You can meditate a little. Meditation will take a little time and will allow you not to fall into the abyss of stress in the middle of the working day, not to lose touch with yourself, but on the contrary, it will help you relax a little, visually imagine the situation and realize what exactly has become a factor in the occurrence of stress.

  3. Convert stressful energy into motivation. When you are overwhelmed with tasks and realize that you need to spend a lot of time and effort on their implementation, think that the faster you cope with the task now, the faster you will return to your usual working mode.

  4. Support of friends and colleagues. When there are people around who can support, cheer up or give ideas, it is a powerful antistress. If you are in a new team, then you need to make an effort to get comfortable and become a member of the team. Then the team will be able to help you cope with stress.

  5. Self-improvement and self-development. In order to feel like a professional and be one, you need to understand what gaps you have in working knowledge and skills. When you realize that you are competent enough, then you will be relieved of stress regarding your professional activities. 

  6. Have time to recover. It is necessary to relax and replenish your strength in order to be in a resource state. Try to observe the daily routine, sleep, and take time for your favorite hobby. On weekends, try not to think about work, try to reboot.

You can also reduce stress at work with the help of emotional self-control, which consists of 4 components:

  1. Self-awareness - when you recognize your emotions and understand how they affect your decisions.

  2. Self-management is when you control your emotions and quickly adapt to changing circumstances.

  3. Public consciousness is when you feel, understand and react to the feelings and emotions of your colleagues. Thus, you feel comfortable in the team.

  4. Relationship management - when you are able to influence, inspire and interact with colleagues, want and know how to regulate conflicts.

The higher the ability to emotional self-control, the easier it is to cope with professional stress. In addition, emotional self-control is not an innate skill, it is something we can learn at any time.

Thus, it is necessary to always set yourself up for a positive. Remember that there is a way out of any situation, any problem can be solved if you have the right solutions. If you think that there is no way out and there are no solutions, then you will drive yourself into a corner and more serious consequences of stress will be inevitable.