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<p><b>Terms that every programmer should know</b></p>
November 23, 2021#tech

Terms that every programmer should know

All professions have a set of terms and words that they use in their work everywhere. The topic of this article will try to reveal to you the terms and words of the programmer.

1. Compiled and interpreted languages

Compiled languages are programming languages that must be compiled before being used. Your code must be embedded in a binary file application. This file is created to run and check for errors during compilation. An example of such languages: C, C++, Swift, etc. Interpreted languages are programming languages that do not need to be compiled before execution, but interpreted on the device by reading the code directly and providing the system with instructions on how to open the program. An example of such languages: PHP, Python, JS, etc.

2. Constants

A constant is very similar to a variable. The only difference is that its value is a constant that is immutable throughout the code, which does not apply to variables, since they may differ from their initialization values. The most significant are: compile-time constants (statically significant), runtime constants (dynamically significant).

3. Modularity

Modularity is the reuse of code or the division of code into modules instead of writing it in one complete block. This is considered a good practice because it not only allows you to reuse the code, but also allows you to make changes to a specific section of the code without affecting other sections.

4. Variable

A variable is basically an address in a memory cell where we store any data and identifiers representing an integer data type, string, symbol, array type, object type, and much more. They are the building blocks of any program or software because they help provide a dynamic approach.

5. API

API stands for application programming interface. It is a set of predefined protocols and tools that helps in the development of good application software. Simply put, an API is a set of well-defined methods that help in communication between different components. The API is usually associated with a software library. The API describes and prescribes the expected behavior (specification), while the library is the actual implementation of this set of rules.

6. Data types

This is a classification that helps inform the compiler or interpreter that the programmer intends to use the data and what type of data will be stored in variables, and, accordingly, allocates the size. Data types can vary from language to language.

7. Pseudocode

As a beginner, you will hear this word quite often, as it is considered the best practice to achieve the goal. Basically, this is a code layout in a simple mixture of English and your preferred programming language, which covers all the important points (how the code will work and how it will be implemented).

8. Terms and Conditions

These are basically conditional statements that tell the program what to do in various cases. They play an important role in providing a dynamic approach to the program and are present in huge numbers in any large code.

9. Object

An object can be a variable, a data structure, but is basically a value in memory referenced by an identifier. In high-level languages with multiple classes, objects can be initialized to refer to those classes that form a variable with the data type of this class, and also allow us to use all the features of object-oriented programming to the fullest.

Just above I gave an example of 9 terms. In my opinion, they are the most popular and basic for those who are just starting their way into IT and programming.