Current vacancies
Сейчас мы не ведем набор на данные вакансии, но мы всегда рады видеть в команде классных специалистов!
Если вы не видите необходимую вам вакансию, просто свяжитесь с нами.
Corporate Culture
A responsibility
We always take responsibility for our actions, results, and future steps.
Our strength is that we offer new ideas, take care of our client`s business.
Mutual respect
We value the opinion of everyone because the thoughts are the uniqueness of a person.
Striving for new things, encouraging attempts to get out of the comfort zone.
Structured processes, clear management, challenging tasks for each of us.
Skilled professionals
We regularly conduct training masterclasses within our team. Our employees study scientific materials and present them to colleagues.
Our office has a library with useful educational literature. Each employee can take the book he is interested in and improve their skills.
We work according to a modern system with a flexible morning.
We provide our employees with the opportunity to attend training seminars and lectures to improve their skills.
We are for a healthy lifestyle, therefore, our team building takes place on the tennis court!